
Publications from time in academia (2003 to 2019) are listed here.

Google Scholar

Dr Zeppel has over 60 peer-reviewed publications, which can be found here. As at 2024, Melanie had an H-impact of 39, and over 6,000 citations on Google Scholar.

Publications on google scholar can be found here: ORCID publications are found here.

Industry reports, book reviews, and conference workshop proceedings can be found at Publications List website.

Select peer-reviewed publications

Adams, HD, Zeppel, MJB, Anderegg, WRL, Hartman, et al. (2017). A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1285-1291

Anderegg, WRL, Hicke, JA, Fisher, RA, Allen, ….. Zeppel MJB (2015) Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate. New Phytologist 208 (3), 674-683

Zeppel MJB, Harrison SP, Adams HD, Kelley DII, Li G., Tissue DT et al. (2015) Drought and Resprouting Plants. New Phytologist 206 (2), 583-589

Zeppel, MJB, Wilks, JV, and Lewis, JD. (2014) Impacts of extreme precipitation and seasonal changes in precipitation on plants. Biogeosciences 11 (11), 3083-3093

Zeppel, MJB, Lewis, JD, Phillips, NG, Tissue, DT (2014). Consequences of nocturnal water loss: a synthesis of regulating factors and implications for capacitance, embolism and use in models. Tree Physiology 34 (10 1047-1055.

Klein, T., Zeppel, M.J.B., Anderegg, W.R.L., Bloemen, J., De Kauwe, M.G., Hudson, P., Ruehr, N.K., Powell, T.L., von Arx, G. and Nardini, A. (2018), Xylem embolism refilling and resilience against drought-induced mortality in woody plants: processes and trade-offs. Ecol. Res., 33: 839-855.

Zeppel Melanie J. B. , Murray Brad R. , Barton Craig Eamus Derek (2004) Seasonal responses of xylem sap velocity to VPD and solar radiation during drought in a stand of native trees in temperate Australia. Functional Plant Biology 31, 461-470.

Hartmann, Henrik, Adams, Henry D., Anderegg, William R. L., Jansen, Steven, & Zeppel, Melanie J. B. Research frontiers in drought-induced tree mortality: Crossing scales and disciplines. New Phytologist. 205: 3, 965-969.

Sun, G., Alstad, K., Chen, J., Chen, S., Ford, C.R., Lin, G., Liu, C., Lu, N., McNulty, S.G., Miao, H., Noormets, A., Vose, J.M., Wilske, B., Zeppel, M., Zhang, Y. and Zhang, Z. (2011), A general predictive model for estimating monthly ecosystem evapotranspiration. Ecohydrol., 4: 245-255.

Medlyn, BE, Duursma, RA, Zeppel MJB (2011) Forest productivity under climate change: a checklist for evaluating model studies Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2 (3), 332-355

Sun, G, Alstad, K, Chen, J, Chen, S. Ford, C, et al. (2011). A general predictive model for estimating monthly ecosystem evaporatranspiration. Ecohydrology, 4: 245-255.

Technical reports


B E Medlyn, M J B Zeppel, N Brouwers, K Howard, E O'Gara, G Hardy, T Lyons, L Li, B Evans (2011)  An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Australian Forests to the Impacts of Climate Change. 2. Biophysical impacts of climate change on Australia’s forests. NCCARF.

D Eamus, I A M Yunusa, N Grant, Z Li, C Macinnis-Ng, D Taylor, R J Whitley, M J B Zeppel (2011)  The Efficacy of Revegetation in the Prevention of Deep Drainage at the Castlereagh Waste Disposal Site.

Meeting Reports


M J B Zeppel, W Anderegg, R L Adams, H D (2013)  Forest mortality due to drought: latest insights, evidence and unresolved questions on physiological pathways and consequences of tree death. [Meeting Report]. DOI


M J B Zeppel, H D Adams, W R L Anderegg (2011)  Mechanistic causes of tree drought mortality: recent results, unresolved questions and future research needs New Phytologist: 192 (4): 800-803. [Meeting Report]. DOI

Book Review


M J B Zeppel (2011)  Ecological Climatology: Concepts and Applications, 2nd edition. Austral Ecology 36(5): E20-E21. [Book Review] . 

ESA Bulletin Article


Sevanto, S Zeppel, M J B, Anderegg, W Adams, H D (2012)  Review of ESA SYMP_21: “Mechanisms Leading to Drought Mortality: Links Between Hydraulic Failure, Carbon Starvation and Biotic Causes in Experiments, Observational and Modelling Studies” [ESA Bulletin Article] .